Merry Christmas!!!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas!

Here’s a quick re-cap of the last little while

This comes from my only run aside from my Christmas day run of the whole past week. I came home from Front Sight really sick and I'm just barely getting back into the swing of things

This comes from my only run aside from my Christmas day run of the whole past week. I came home from Front Sight really sick and I’m just barely getting back into the swing of things

Temple Lights and Waffle Night with the fam

Temple Lights and Waffle Night with the fam

Best place to get a waffle IN THE WORLD

Bruges Waffles and Frites: Best place to get a waffle IN THE WORLD

The siblings walking around the temple lights

The siblings walking around the temple lights

Indian food before going to see our local theater's production of "A Christmas Carol", a family tradition.

Indian food before going to see our local theater’s production of “A Christmas Carol”, a family tradition.

Sweet gift from my sweet girl friend Hannah!

Sweet gift from my sweet girl friend Hannah!

It finally opened!!!

It finally opened!!!

My little Meg not too happy about her Christmas bath

My little Meg not too happy about her Christmas bath

Christmas Eve dinner at Grandma's

Christmas Eve dinner at Grandma’s

We got a white Christmas!

We got a white Christmas!

Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning

New make-up from Ulta and a beautiful new handmade ceramic mug

New make-up from Ulta and a beautiful new handmade ceramic mug. Thank you mom!

Please forgive me for the stupid bathroom mirror picture. Me Christmas Day with my new infinity scarf my sister made for me!

Please forgive me for the stupid bathroom mirror picture. Me Christmas Day with my new infinity scarf my sister made for me!

Cabela's the day after Christmas. My grandparents on my dad's side always give us gifts cards there. I got a camelback to run and ski with! So exciting!

Cabela’s the day after Christmas. My grandparents on my dad’s side always give us gifts cards there. I got a camelback to run and ski with! So exciting!

Blog-wise, the best thing about Christmas being over is finally being able to post pictures of Kevin’s Christmas present I’ve been working on all month! I attempted to knit Kevin a hat to wear under his helmet when he skis. It had some major flaws and turned out a little on the small side, but it sure was fun to make!

In progress

In progress

Thank you to all my amazing friends and family that made Christmas so wonderful this year! I can’t tell you how much I love you enough!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

My First Front Sight Experience

Yesterday got back from Las Vegas with Kevin and his dad and brother. We all got the chance to take classes at Front Sight Firearms Training Institute. Kevin and I took the 2 Day Defensive Handgun course. It was honestly one of the best things I’ve ever done. I learned more about handguns than I ever knew existed and I now feel so confident with one in my hands.

We drove down Sunday and after checking in to our hotel we went to a really yummy sushi place called Kabuki just off the strip. Kevin and I LOVE vegas rolls, and we got to share our first vegas roll in Vegas!

Alaska Roll

Alaska Roll

Complimentary Tea Tasting outside Teavana

Complimentary Tea Tasting outside Teavana

The next morning we woke up early and headed out from Vegas to Front Sight, about 45 minutes away. After getting all checked in and signing all the paperwork we listened to a short lecture and the fun began. The first day there was a lot of dry practice and practice just handling and loading the gun before we ever started actually shooting. Front Sight is probably the safest place I’ve ever been despite the fact that almost everyone there has a gun and ammunition on their hips. Everyone was required to have on a hat, eye protection, and electronic ear protection at all times. Also, every person in the class had a partner, and only one person in the partnership was ever shooting at one time, while the other person stood behind them to help them and make sure they were safe. It really made me wonder what the world would be like if everyone out on the street was carrying a gun.

The head instructor on our range helping me with a drill

The head instructor on our range helping me with a drill

Kevin's perfect group while practicing presses

Kevin’s perfect group while practicing presses

My less perfect group on top

My less perfect group on top

Not gonna lie, Kevin was the best shot on our range. I was the second relay of our partnership and it was a little embarrassing always messing up his perfect targets with my shots, but it was great to have a partner who could help me out so much. The second day we worked on malfunctions and did a lot more actual shooting. We also got to go through what they called “The Fun House”, a simulated home intrusion. Even though it wasn’t real and we were only shooting at paper targets, it sure got my heart pumping! It gave you a better idea of how you would shoot under pressure.

At front sight they teach you to always shoot two controlled shots (Fast shots, but slow enough to keep them in a hand sized group) to the thoracic cavity, and only shoot at the head if they called for it, or in a real situation, if the opponent did not stop after the first two shots. They always talked about stopping your opponent, not killing them, and using your weapon as a last resort to save a life, not to take one. The also taught you to draw your weapon with authority, in hopes that even the way you drew could possibly deter your opponent.

Target practice

Target practice

Isometric tension drill with the instructors

Isometric tension drill with the instructors

Shooting as the sun went down

Shooting as the sun went down

I feel so empowered, I think especially as a girl, having the skills and knowledge I took away from Front Sight. I think the world would be a safer place if everyone had training like I had the opportunity to get. After the day two ended, we all got certificates of completion and we headed back to Vegas. I was sad that we wouldn’t get to go back again the next morning, but I was sooo happy to get out of the freezing cold! Basically the whole time at Front Sight we were outdoors, and boy was it cold. The wind was blowing and I spent most of the time shivering even with a shirt, a sweatshirt, a jacket, and a coat all layered on. Even through the cold though, I still had the time of my life and can’t wait to go back someday!

Caesars Palace after Day 2

Caesars Palace after Day 2

The Cheesecake Factory!!

The Cheesecake Factory!!



It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Last night I got to go as Kevin’s date to his work’s Christmas party. Kevin works for a pawn shop his dad owns and he does all the Ebay business. Dinner was great and it was fun to meet everyone from his work. Possibly the best part of the party was getting one of his Kevin’s mom’s handmade custom cookies that I’m slightly obsessed with. She runs a company called SugarBliss Cookies out of her home, and not only are they THE MOST beautiful little works of art you’ll ever see, but they taste so good! Check out the SugarBliss blog here.

Gorgeous SugarBliss Gingerbread Man

Gorgeous SugarBliss Gingerbread Man

After the party Kevin and I met up with some friends to see The Hobbit. I was so excited because I had read the book and couldn’t wait to see how well the movie followed the story line. The movie had a lot of similarities to other Lord of the Rings movies, and was really pretty good, the only downside is we went to such a late showing and the movie was long, so it was a little hard to stay awake at times. I would recommend seeing it, but an earlier showing. Then again it’s hard for me to stay up after midnight anymore. I’m pretty much grandma status at this point.

Before the party I spent some time at the gym because the snow spoiled my trail run plans for the day. I ended up putting about 45 minutes on the treadmill at an 8:30 minute mile pace and doing my regular biceps, triceps, chest, and shoulder workouts. I even threw in some lunges for good measure.

Today the snow kept falling, but luckily it let up long enough for me to put in an hour running the streets. I love the sun, but today I enjoyed the blanket of clouds and snowy, Christmas-y feel the city had. This really is the most wonderful time of the year.

My new goat friends I made on my run today

My new goat friends I met on my run today

Another sight from today's run

Another sight from today’s run

After my run and a quick dinner of oatmeal and fruit, Kevin picked me up and helped me get a few last minute things I need for our vacation. Tomorrow night Kevin and I will be in fabulous Las Vegas!!! I can hardly wait! We’re going down to take a two day handgun class at Front Sight Firearms Training Institute. Kevin is letting me use his “Baby Glock” as I like to call it, but more on the guns and class later.

I can’t talk about guns without mentioning the awful shooting that has taken place in Newtown, Connecticut. I can think of nothing more sick and revolting. My prayers go out along with the millions of others to the families and friends of the victims. May those beautiful, innocent children as well as brave staff members get to spend this Christmas with Jesus this year and the ones they left behind feel his love and comfort.

The Home Stretch

I’M DONE!!!!!

I survived my first semester of college, and I’ve learned a lot more than how to write a ten page persuasive essay or what enzymes are required to digest protein. I’ve learned important things like public sleeping skills (Yes, public SLEEPING), and bus route management.

As glad as I am that it’s over, I really enjoyed finishing my zoology class today with a project that took my friend Jessica and me to Youth Impact, an organization in Ogden that reaches out to children in need of a safe environment to learn and play in after school. We got to do a presentation for them about crabs. Jessica had some connections and we were able to bring in live crabs to play with after we talked to them. I probably had more fun with the kids than they had with our presentation. One little boy decided that the crabs were “sexy” and when one cute little girl put a crab she had been holding back in the water and a bubble came out of it’s shell she immediately started giggling and said, “Eww, it farted!!”. It was so fun to see them so excited as the crabs crawled around on their hands or as we tried to race them. These little kids reminded me to enjoy the little things, even as little as the feeling of tiny crab feet walking across your hand. They reminded me how to be a good friend, and really put a smile on my face.

The Youth Impact Kids

The Youth Impact Kids


This morning Kevin and I hit the dirt, but I was really dragging so we turned back a little earlier than planned and got to laugh and talk over breakfast at Kneaders.

Yesterday my brother and I wanted to check out a trail neither of us had ever been on (He was on his new mountain bike and I was running), but it turned out to be too snowy and muddy. Instead we ran/rode around the streets and went off-roading where we could. My brother ended up taking a pretty cool shot of me doing the yoga pose of the day from @growsoulbeautiful’s Yoga A Day Challenge on Instagram.

Yoga A Day

Yoga A Day

The creek that ran along side the trail my brother and I attempted to explore

The creek that ran along side the trail my brother and I attempted to explore

P.S. My runs this week have been pretty relaxed due to the stress and busy-ness finals week has created. I haven’t felt too energetic either. I’m trying to listen to my body better and more than I have previously. I think it’s a much healthier approach to running and fitness than what I’ve done before, just pushing through any discomfort, which led to a stress fracture right before the Region Cross Country Meet my senior year. The news was pretty crushing, but it turned out to be a blessing, as I could focus being a good captain, and got to cheer on every single one of my girls from the sidelines. I learned a lot about my body and optimism through that experience, and given the chance to go back and change the way things played out, I would keep the fracture and the lessons learned in place of the chance at a high ranking or region title.

This article by my girl Tara Stiles talks about listening to your body, and avoiding stress and tension in relation to weight loss. Instead of pushing through and responding with aggression like I did in the stress fracture incident, Tara believes that ease is the answer. Just some food for thought.

The Ducks of Weber as I left the school for the last time until 2013

The Ducks of Weber as I left the school for the last time until 2013

This semester I also racked up the miles on the ol' Trusty Toyota to 200,000. Wooohooo!!! She's still going strong!

This semester I racked up the miles on the ol’ Trusty Toyota to 200,000. Wooohooo!!! She’s still going strong!

Let It Be

Terry McDermott anyone?

Now there’s a good Scottish boy. To be honest I’ve never actually watched an episode of “The Voice”, the show that’s making Terry famous, but my dad had me listen to Terry singing Let It Be, and I fell in love. I LOVE his clear, strong voice. I also love the old classic songs he sings. Here’s Terry’s version of Let It Be, my personal favorite, but his version of Carry On My Wayward Son comes in a close second.

I also “let it be” on my run today. I just took an easy run on the streets today, taking time to take in the sights and crisp winter air. I got to run through a part of town filled with lots of gorgeous old houses. I really, really love old houses, I feel like they have more personality than houses built today. Someone has already made them a home and every one is so different from the next. Also, my taste in houses has always leaned toward the small side. Smaller houses seem cozier, and who wouldn’t want less floor space to have to clean?

The Cottage

The Cottage


My best friends (aka my running shoes) and my run happy band from Kevin

My best friends (aka my New Balance minimus running shoes) and my run happy band from Kevin

P.S. Here is one of my favorite quotes to end the day on from Henry David Thoreau’s Walden:

“Why do you stay here and live this mean moiling life, when a glorious existence is possible for you? Those same stars twinkle over other fields than these.”

There are so many parts and pieces and way of looking at this quote. Take it as you would like. All I have to say is, Thoreau was brilliant. He sits in my top 5 favorite writers of all time.



New Beginnings


For me, the new week started with a totally new experience.


I’ve been looking at a studio for weeks thinking about going. And this morning I finally did! I was pretty nervous going into it, and really had no idea what to expect. The studio I went to was in the upstairs of a super cool coffee shop and I instantly loved the vibe. It only got better when I got to the front desk and was greeted by one of the nicest ladies ever, who turned out to be the teacher of the class I attended.


The Coffee Shop

When I first walked into the little carpeted room (apparently carpet it the only flooring that is Bikram certified) My good feelings were washed away by the heat.

It was HOT. HOT. HOT.

As soon as I started getting comfortable in the heat, class started and I started sweating. I thought I knew what it meant to sweat before, but I sweat like I didn’t know was humanly possible. I was LITERALLY dripping! At first during some of the standing poses, I got so light-headed I honestly thought I was going to need to leave the room. Luckily, the more time I spent in the room, the more I came to love it.

By the end, the heat helped loosen my muscles, and helped me to focus better than I have in any other yoga class. Coming out of the class I felt so refreshed and powerful. I definitely think I’ll be going back for round two. Just like they say, some like it hot!

After my class Kevin met up with me at the coffee shop below and we spent some time studying for finals. After some lunch and test taking we headed out to the trails for a short run. It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to run with snow under my feet, and Kevin and I probably spent more time skating on ice patches and playing in the snow than running today. We came back from our run still laughing and thoroughly happy. We also were lucky enough to enjoy a gorgeous winter sunset.

Runs like today’s remind me what life is really all about.

Be where you are. Live in the moment. Love to love.

Running into the Sunset

Running into the Sunset

P.S. Last night my family put up our Christmas tree. Here’s a little before and after just for fun.





The Back Road


I’m Darcy.

I’m first and foremost a runner. I’m running in pursuit of happiness, and finding health along the way. I wanted a place where I could record the roads I run and my life in between. So here we go!

This is just the beginning.