The Beginning of Forever

Today was my first day back at Weber State for my second semester. This time there was no one at my side. No Kevin. No Hannah. No Will. Just me and a sea of unfamiliar faces running around in the cold winter air. Independence looks a little more lonely than it once did.

Going back to school is good though. I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to go to such a great university. This first day just felt like the beginning of something new, something a little scary. The beginning of forever. I know I have some big decisions ahead of me, and it’s a little lonely watching my friends spread out further and further away to different schools, different states, even different countries. Within my Weber friends alone, Kevin will be leaving for Ohio in March, one day after Will leaves for Zimbabwe. As for the beautiful Hannah, she’s already two hours away attending Snow College.

I guess this is what growing up feels like. Everyone takes their own path, becoming their own person. New paths can be scary though, and leaving old ones can be even more scary. I understand now more than ever what Frost was talking about when he wrote “The Road Not Taken”.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

-Robert Frost

The paths I’m choosing now WILL make all the difference. May I choose the best ones. I also want to thank Kevin for his decision to go on a mission and the example of good choices he is for me. I’m so proud of you Kev. You will be spectacular!

Today did feel like the beginning of forever for me, but I realized, every day should feel like that. Every day can be a new beginning. The beginning of something big and beautiful. My forever is definitely looking big and beautiful thanks to good friends, the best family, and a loving God.

P.S. Today were my hardest classes I’ll be taking this semester, but tomorrow….. Yoga and Poetry are my only classes!! Could a school schedule get any better? I submit that it cannot.

P.P.S. Today was my first day back at the Weber gym. I ran for about 50 minutes around the track planning to lift and hit arms pretty hard afterward, but I wasn’t feeling very good at all, so I stopped after the run. I’m not a huge fan of gyms in general, I would rather be out on the trails enjoying the fresh air, and Weber’s gym seems especially awful to me for some reason. It’s especially bad without Kevin to make my time there more enjoyable. So this semester I’m gonna have to try and get a little more creative and find some workouts I can motivate myself to do! At the moment the air quality is so bad and the weather is so cold the gym is probably the best place to exercise sadly, but at least it’s a gym and it’s free! I really want to make this year a healthy and active one. Wish me luck!

The Home Stretch

I’M DONE!!!!!

I survived my first semester of college, and I’ve learned a lot more than how to write a ten page persuasive essay or what enzymes are required to digest protein. I’ve learned important things like public sleeping skills (Yes, public SLEEPING), and bus route management.

As glad as I am that it’s over, I really enjoyed finishing my zoology class today with a project that took my friend Jessica and me to Youth Impact, an organization in Ogden that reaches out to children in need of a safe environment to learn and play in after school. We got to do a presentation for them about crabs. Jessica had some connections and we were able to bring in live crabs to play with after we talked to them. I probably had more fun with the kids than they had with our presentation. One little boy decided that the crabs were “sexy” and when one cute little girl put a crab she had been holding back in the water and a bubble came out of it’s shell she immediately started giggling and said, “Eww, it farted!!”. It was so fun to see them so excited as the crabs crawled around on their hands or as we tried to race them. These little kids reminded me to enjoy the little things, even as little as the feeling of tiny crab feet walking across your hand. They reminded me how to be a good friend, and really put a smile on my face.

The Youth Impact Kids

The Youth Impact Kids


This morning Kevin and I hit the dirt, but I was really dragging so we turned back a little earlier than planned and got to laugh and talk over breakfast at Kneaders.

Yesterday my brother and I wanted to check out a trail neither of us had ever been on (He was on his new mountain bike and I was running), but it turned out to be too snowy and muddy. Instead we ran/rode around the streets and went off-roading where we could. My brother ended up taking a pretty cool shot of me doing the yoga pose of the day from @growsoulbeautiful’s Yoga A Day Challenge on Instagram.

Yoga A Day

Yoga A Day

The creek that ran along side the trail my brother and I attempted to explore

The creek that ran along side the trail my brother and I attempted to explore

P.S. My runs this week have been pretty relaxed due to the stress and busy-ness finals week has created. I haven’t felt too energetic either. I’m trying to listen to my body better and more than I have previously. I think it’s a much healthier approach to running and fitness than what I’ve done before, just pushing through any discomfort, which led to a stress fracture right before the Region Cross Country Meet my senior year. The news was pretty crushing, but it turned out to be a blessing, as I could focus being a good captain, and got to cheer on every single one of my girls from the sidelines. I learned a lot about my body and optimism through that experience, and given the chance to go back and change the way things played out, I would keep the fracture and the lessons learned in place of the chance at a high ranking or region title.

This article by my girl Tara Stiles talks about listening to your body, and avoiding stress and tension in relation to weight loss. Instead of pushing through and responding with aggression like I did in the stress fracture incident, Tara believes that ease is the answer. Just some food for thought.

The Ducks of Weber as I left the school for the last time until 2013

The Ducks of Weber as I left the school for the last time until 2013

This semester I also racked up the miles on the ol' Trusty Toyota to 200,000. Wooohooo!!! She's still going strong!

This semester I racked up the miles on the ol’ Trusty Toyota to 200,000. Wooohooo!!! She’s still going strong!