I’m On Top Of The World

“I’m not sure how to explain it, but since I’ve been on a mission I’m looking at things in a different way. I’m looking at life in a more beautiful way I guess you could say. I get really excited for the future and I see things being really great. Everyone is going on missions and things and I’m really excited to see how people change. The world is really beautiful and I’m excited about life!” -Elder Jake Willey

Sometimes, everything in the world feels right.

Because it is! Our past has shaped us into the people we are today, and right now, right here, we are everything we need to be. I feel that now. It feels so good to have goals, and to have friends by your side. And I’m on top of the world. And I can see for miles. The world is so big and beautiful. Once we can climb outside our trails and the little things that upset our balance in life and learn to love the moment we’re in, we can look above and beyond them into the big glorious future.

Today in yoga we talked about the Niyamas, especially contentment and cleanliness. We talked about how we live in a society that worships the body. My teacher explained how our body is constantly purifying itself, it is far from perfect. Once we come to terms that our bodies are not perfect, we can love them more perfectly, and realize that our bodies are given to us for a higher purpose, to make the world a better place. She also explained how important it is to be content with our bodies, we will never have the build of a runway model, nor should we strive for that. We are who we are. And it is enough. We are where we are, and we need to be all there. I love that, and try to live by the mantra, “Be where you are.” Once we learn to live in the moment, we can be truly happy, which enables us to reach out and spread that happiness to others. Our lives are so much bigger than our bodies, or where we have been.

Kathi Needham (My fabulous Weber State yoga teacher): “Gifts are being offered to us every second of every day. Whether it be the opportunity to watch a show we really love, or take a nap, every moment we are given little grifts, and we need to be present to realize that.”

Life is great, and we are great. We are blessed and loved and we are awesome. I feel powerful. When you look at life through a bigger lens, it is impossible not to feel empowered. In every aspect of life. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Roger Bannister, the first man to break the 4 minute mile barrier.

“We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves. The more restricted our society and work become, the more neccsary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, ‘You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.’ The human spirit is indomitable.” -Roger Bannister

We are so powerful. I know that. If I have a testimony of anything it is that we are children of God. And he loves us so much, and with him, anything is possible.

As we Study Walt Whitman in my poetry class, my professor made an interesting comment about transcendentalism, and the way Whitman believes that in everyone there is spark, in everyone a light. She related that to the LDS faith, which was interesting, as she is not of the faith. She explained, “The view that everyone is equal, and everyone is powerful, with their own individual voice, is much like the LDS faith. As I understand it, there is not one priest or figure that speaks for the congregation, but the congregation speaks for itself, and each member has a voice and a personal connection to God.” I loved that! And It made me realize how special and awesome being a member of the Church of Jesus christ of Latter Day Saints, and knowing that I am powerful, and I can have a personal relationship with God. I can’t wait to share that message with people. Because it is so empowering. And I want to share the joy that empowerment brings with others. If everyone knew how amazing and blessed they are, and shared that with those around them, the world would be a much better place.

We are human, and we are powerful.

John 8:32: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

I’m on top of the world- Imagine Dragons

This song is my anthem right now. It is exactly how I feel.

Curtis told me the story of how during summer, when he and Kaeden were hiking the Tetons, and they finally reached the top after a long hard climb, Kaeden played this song. I like to pair that image with this song.

Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You

My first official morning of spring break found me in the streets. When I was little and would complain that I was bored or would be particularly annoying my parents would often tell me to “go play out in the street”. I guess I took that to heart, because now, the streets have become my playground. The mountains and trails are where I would prefer to be, but still snow-covered, I take to the streets. I put in ten miles this morning, my first double digit run since summer, a little bit of a stretch out of my normal routine. It reminded me of the Eleanor Roosevelt quote, “Do one thing every day that scares you.”

I love the article HERE on the Athleta blog about doing one thing everyday that scares you.

Here’s a quick recap of my life lately in pictures.

Kevin and I took a sunset penny board ride to Starbucks. So happy for a little warmth and sunshine finally.

Kevin and I took a sunset penny board ride to Starbucks. So happy for a little warmth and sunshine finally.



Friday before my brothers lacrosse game I took a little run through Salt Lake City and took a moment to pray under the shadow of the beautiful Salt Lake Temple

Friday before my brother’s lacrosse game I took a little run through Salt Lake City and took a moment to pray under the shadow of the beautiful Salt Lake Temple

My brother is becoming an awesome lacrosse player!

My brother is becoming an awesome lacrosse player!

Saturday was a ski day at Ogden Nordic

Saturday was a ski day at Ogden Nordic

It was so warm! Spring skiing is here!!

It was so warm! Spring skiing is here!!

My ski buddy

My ski buddy

Saturday was so gorgeous my brother and I took a little spin around town, him on his mountain bike and me on my penny board. This is our cow friend we made on that ride.

Saturday was so gorgeous my brother and I took a little spin around town, him on his mountain bike and me on my penny board. This is our cow friend we made on that ride.

Saturday I hung out with the one and only Matt Palmer. He has a third cd out now!

Saturday I hung out with the one and only Matt Palmer. He has a third cd out now! One of my oldest and best friends. He even wrote a song and dedicated it to me.

Matt's quote wall in his bedroom. This is why I love him.

Matt’s quote wall in his bedroom. This is why I love him.

Rainy sunday walk with the brother in matching Columbia jackets

Rainy sunday walk with the brother in matching Columbia jackets

The highlight of my week was my first letter back from Jake!!!! I was practically dancing around the house when I found it! It was so good to hear he is doing great, and I could feel his strength and love through something as simple as a letter.


Confessions of a Bus Kid

Public transit.

I’ve been hit on by drunk guys, sat on, rapped to. People have tried to sell me things, given me weird compliments, and made my day. I’ve done more people watching on buses than I have in all my life. I’ve found you can tell the most from people’s eyes. I’ve seen pain and love together in a Bosnian man’s eyes as he holds the hands of his two beautiful little girls trying desperately to get them where they need to go. I’ve seen the vacancy of soul in the eyes of a man so hyped up on drugs he could not manage to sit still. I’ve seen lovers exchange kisses, holds hands, and whisper, all expressing their love with subtle, but important differences. I’ve talked to phlebotomists, students, teachers, homeless, and even ran into old acquaintances. I’ve overheard phone conversations by the dozens. Mostly calls to home. Ending in “I love you, I’ll be home soon.” I’ve been impressed by kindness, seats given up to women and elderly, even me. I’ve also been upset by hate, vulgar language thrown thoughtlessly at others.

One boy on the bus befriended me, his name is Forrest and he is very handsome. All it took was a smile, and a question. “Can I sit here?” A connection was formed. A friendship. And then I realized….

We are all traveling through life. By bus, by car, by a whirlwind of thought and emotion that carries our souls day by day. We are together in that journey. We are one. And we need each other, because each of us are so very real. Sometimes I forget how real I am. I see so much throughout the day, I forget that I too, am being seen. So see, and be seen. Be seen an example of love and power. See those who need love or a reminder of their own power and don’t be afraid to reach out. Because we are all the same. Travelers. Brothers and sisters moving in different directions, but all together.

Every person I have encountered on the bus, or anywhere else is beautiful in their own way. Sometimes I forget that I am part of that beauty and power that is the human race. Look for that beauty in everyone you see, everywhere you go. And don’t forget to add your own beauty as well.


P.S. Monday night I got another great reminder of how beautiful all the little things in life are. I told Jake and his buddies about my Crystal Hot Springs adventure and they of course wanted to go too. So Monday night Jake, our friends Curtis, Kaeden, Kevin (not my Kevin, my Kevin was at his uncle’s cabin) and his girlfriend headed out to Crystal once again and spent the night soaking up our last few hours with Jake before he heads out to Texas for two years. Driving back with Curtis, Kaeden, and Jake was pretty awesome for me. Very few words were exchanged, music played as we rolled down the interstate back towards our homes, or what we had all called home for the majority of our lives. I sat in back with Jake, my feet on his lap, watching his eyes take in some of the last images of his homeland he will be seeing for a while. His profile was lit up against the lights outside, hat on, hood up. Just driving. This was just another drive. But for some reason I could see so much beauty in it. Maybe it was the friendship and love that made it beautiful. Maybe it was the real-ness, the common-ness of the ride. Maybe, I was lucky enough to get a glimpse of real happiness. Good times, good friends, and the good feeling knowing that distance nor time is not a factor in love with with Jake leaving us soon. All I know is that happiness is not found in elaborate displays or extravagant adventures. It is created in the little, common moments that make us human, and of course, there is always great happiness in love.

I creeped a picture of Jake's silhouette on our ride back, mostly so I won't forget. I've heard it said, if you want to know what someone loves, watch what they photograph.

I creeped a picture of Jake’s silhouette on our ride back, mostly so I won’t forget. I’ve heard it said, if you want to know what someone loves, watch what they photograph.

Jake after Crystal. As Curtis and Kaeden would say, "So boss."

Jake after Crystal. As Curtis and Kaeden would say, “So boss.”

I saw Jake for the last time for a few years the night following. I handed him a letter to read later in the Missionary Training Center on his doorstep. Casual words were exchanged, in a very uncasual way. I had planned to tell him what a great missionary he would be. How much fun he was going to have. Instead I got too caught up in what I thought was our last hug and forgot all the lines I had planned to say. I choked out a goodbye still successfully holding back any tears. But then as I turned to go, he called my name. I turned and he apologized for not getting me the cd he had promised me before he left. And then I cried. I ran back to him and he caught me up in his arms and promised me, “It’s ok Darc, you’re ok.” And I was ok. I left his doorstep with tears in my eyes happier than I came that night. Because I had a friend worth missing.

Like I said, we are travelers. Life is a journey. I’ll see Jake soon enough.