I’m On Top Of The World

“I’m not sure how to explain it, but since I’ve been on a mission I’m looking at things in a different way. I’m looking at life in a more beautiful way I guess you could say. I get really excited for the future and I see things being really great. Everyone is going on missions and things and I’m really excited to see how people change. The world is really beautiful and I’m excited about life!” -Elder Jake Willey

Sometimes, everything in the world feels right.

Because it is! Our past has shaped us into the people we are today, and right now, right here, we are everything we need to be. I feel that now. It feels so good to have goals, and to have friends by your side. And I’m on top of the world. And I can see for miles. The world is so big and beautiful. Once we can climb outside our trails and the little things that upset our balance in life and learn to love the moment we’re in, we can look above and beyond them into the big glorious future.

Today in yoga we talked about the Niyamas, especially contentment and cleanliness. We talked about how we live in a society that worships the body. My teacher explained how our body is constantly purifying itself, it is far from perfect. Once we come to terms that our bodies are not perfect, we can love them more perfectly, and realize that our bodies are given to us for a higher purpose, to make the world a better place. She also explained how important it is to be content with our bodies, we will never have the build of a runway model, nor should we strive for that. We are who we are. And it is enough. We are where we are, and we need to be all there. I love that, and try to live by the mantra, “Be where you are.” Once we learn to live in the moment, we can be truly happy, which enables us to reach out and spread that happiness to others. Our lives are so much bigger than our bodies, or where we have been.

Kathi Needham (My fabulous Weber State yoga teacher): “Gifts are being offered to us every second of every day. Whether it be the opportunity to watch a show we really love, or take a nap, every moment we are given little grifts, and we need to be present to realize that.”

Life is great, and we are great. We are blessed and loved and we are awesome. I feel powerful. When you look at life through a bigger lens, it is impossible not to feel empowered. In every aspect of life. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Roger Bannister, the first man to break the 4 minute mile barrier.

“We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves. The more restricted our society and work become, the more neccsary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, ‘You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.’ The human spirit is indomitable.” -Roger Bannister

We are so powerful. I know that. If I have a testimony of anything it is that we are children of God. And he loves us so much, and with him, anything is possible.

As we Study Walt Whitman in my poetry class, my professor made an interesting comment about transcendentalism, and the way Whitman believes that in everyone there is spark, in everyone a light. She related that to the LDS faith, which was interesting, as she is not of the faith. She explained, “The view that everyone is equal, and everyone is powerful, with their own individual voice, is much like the LDS faith. As I understand it, there is not one priest or figure that speaks for the congregation, but the congregation speaks for itself, and each member has a voice and a personal connection to God.” I loved that! And It made me realize how special and awesome being a member of the Church of Jesus christ of Latter Day Saints, and knowing that I am powerful, and I can have a personal relationship with God. I can’t wait to share that message with people. Because it is so empowering. And I want to share the joy that empowerment brings with others. If everyone knew how amazing and blessed they are, and shared that with those around them, the world would be a much better place.

We are human, and we are powerful.

John 8:32: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

I’m on top of the world- Imagine Dragons

This song is my anthem right now. It is exactly how I feel.

Curtis told me the story of how during summer, when he and Kaeden were hiking the Tetons, and they finally reached the top after a long hard climb, Kaeden played this song. I like to pair that image with this song.