Salt Lake Power Yoga

“Right now, you have everything you need. What you do with it is up to you.”

That’s what my yoga instructor said. Eyes closed, hands pressed to heart center, deep breathing. I DID have everything I needed. And I was going to do great things.

Last night I went to my first class at Salt Lake Power Yoga, a studio that teaches Vinyasa Yoga in the tradition of Baron Baptiste. It was hot yoga, but it wasn’t black-out-every-time-you-stand-up hot like the Bikram class I attended in Ogden.

I fell in love.

I fell in love with the yoga, the heat, the instructor, the studio, everything! First of all the whole studio was gorgeous. I especially loved the practice room itself. I loved the warmth and the way the windows lightly fogged from the heat inside against the cold Salt Lake night. I loved that the studio was up, away, hidden almost. The instructor was named Marc, his voice and accent were both soothing and friendly, and he offered blocks, advice and adjustments wherever they were needed in such a kind way. He had this special light, a personality that made you feel comfortable and safe and more courageous in a way. He explained that the class we were attending was for us. It was an individual practice for each of us in the room and we could do with it what we pleased, he was merely a guide.

Marc talked throughout of fear, and “just doing” things, not over-thinking. He added Buddah’s wisdom when he said, “Everything changes”. If we can just believe in ourselves, and go in knowing that pain and fear are always temporary, we can do anything.

My Salt Lake Power Yoga experience was excellent, and so far, it’s my favorite studio I’ve been to!

Salt Lake Power Yoga

Salt Lake Power Yoga

Love this quote. It hits home especially in the deep cold of this Utah winter.

Love this quote. It hits home especially in the deep cold of this Utah winter.