The Art of Living the Dream

It’s an art, living is.

Living comes in the form of tears and pain, as well as smiles and joy. It’s funny how we learn new things every day, and we still lay down at night knowing next to nothing, how we do so much every day, and still never check all the items off our lists. The world is so big. There are so many new experiences to have. New foods to try, new places to see, new people to meet, and different laughs to have. Sometimes I feel like I will never be able to do it all, like I will never be able to fulfill all my dreams. Sometimes I don’t even know what my dreams are.

But I do know this. This life is so good. And everything will be ok.

Today I sat and laughed with one of my best friends on a gas station curb as we enjoyed each other’s company and a cold drink on a warm summer night. Unplanned, un-glamourous. That was never on my to-do list for today. But it happened. And it made me realize something.

We make plans. We have dreams. But most of the best things in life are not planned. Planned by us anyway. They ARE planned by God.

There is no need to over-plan, or over-think. Just live well. Live deeply. Enjoy the moments that come to you, because they have been given to you for a reason. Although I may not be living the dream I had planned, I am living the dream all the same.

And let me tell you, it is beautiful.

Today on a school playground while I was at work, I had the opportunity to catch a glimpse of a beautiful moment in time. I saw two little boys, probably both around the age of 6, one sitting on the ground, the other standing above him, talking in the morning sun before the bell rang that would mark the beginning of the school day. The one standing above reached his hand down to the other and said as he looked toward the field,

“C’mon. Let’s just run and do something while we still can. C’mon.”

So today, I’m letting go of my attachment to life as I believe it should be, and living it as it IS.

I am going to run while I still can, get the most out of every moment I am alive. I am going to trust God, and reach out and grab the hand he is offering me, that will pull me to my feet, and lead me out to the field where I can run free. Where I can live the dream.

Everything will be ok 🙂

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